First Class Traditional Hotel
88 kms to the nearest airport (baiyun)
Close to the beach

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The medium sized bedrooms are well furnished, again in traditional style. Beds and furniture vary in style, however all maintain the Turkish theme. All of the bedrooms have stone flooring, giving a fresh feel which is typical of this style of hotel. The bathrooms are well furnished with traditional handmade Turkish tiling.
The hotel is located in the quiet village of Behramkale directly on the sea front. The historic site of Troy is approximately 1 1/2 hours drive from the hotel, as is the port town of Canakkale.
This is an attractive small hotel in a beautiful seaside location offering views of the Aegean. Perfect for clients looking for a relaxed base for exploring the many historical treasures in the area. In addition fish lovers can exercise their fishing talent opposite the hotel. (09/07 SB)
The lobby is very traditionally furnished in typical Turkish style with comfortable wooden seating. The upper floors look onto the lobby which gives the whole area a very open feel.
This is a traditional stone coloured low rise building with arched doorways and several balconies. There is an attractive open air restaurant to the rear of the hotel facing the sea.
The main restaurant is beautifully fitted with dark wooden furnishing and subtle lighting. A range of authentic Turkish dishes are served, with locally caught fish a speciality. During summer you can have your dinner served at the restaurant by the antique port.


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